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Experimentation in video feedback, digital glitch techniques and visual effects processing curated by my preferred aesthetic qualities into audio visual works.


18 May 2017

Virtual boundaries surveys our relationship with technology; processed Internet footage recreates the individually tailored bubble we find ourselves in online due to the nature of algorithms. Layered video feedback brings focus on the cyclical patchwork of this virtual space, in turn presenting an opportunity for the viewer to cognitively map the chaos in turn unearthing insights and questions into how it is we interact with the vast network of algorithmic labour.


March, 23rd 2018

Quadrant was an exploration in video feedback and generative art. I wanted to explore the artistic potential of pseudorandomness, creating an algorithm that generated shapes I then fed them into a multi-camera video feedback system. The work was displayed at Do-IY curates 01 in late Feb 18 and then at the two-day audio-visual symposium Seeing Sound at Bath Spa.

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